Monday, May 18, 2020

Is Staying in a Hotel in Ashbourne Derbyshire Safe during COVID 19 Outbreak

The hotel industry will be going through some profound and rapid changes after the lockdown period. At the end of this global pandemic crisis, the hotel industry has to change the procedures of treating their guests in the near future. Instead of offering welcome drinks, maybe the hotel staffs will welcome the guests with temperature screening machines, and this is normal. 

However, is it safe to stay in a Hotel in Ashbourne Derbyshire during COVID 19 Outbreak? How risky would it be if you need to stay in a hotel for a while during this pandemic?

Well, there are special instructions for the hotel and hospitality industries from WHO and the local governments of certain areas too. Most of the hotels are following them to ensure the safety of their guests. However, as the guest, you may need to check a few vital things to ensure that you are staying in a safe and contamination-free place.

What Should You Check in a Hotel in Ashbourne

Screening Procedure

Is the hotel following all the government implied screening procedures for their guests and their staffs as well as vendors? Are there temperature screening machines at the hotel’s entrance? The hotel must not allow anybody to enter without checking their temperature.

Clean and Sanitised

From the driveways to the rooms and from the toilets to the lobby – every single section of the hotel must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised in a regular manner. This will reduce the chance of the spread of the infection. Regular cleaning and sanitation will help the hotel management to avoid contamination.

Emergency Medical Facilities

In case of any emergency, the hotel must be able to offer the guests medical facilities. In this current situation, a person who has any kind of illness should get proper and immediate medical treatment so that the condition cannot get worse. The hotel should take all the responsibility of the sick guests. Ensure that they have in-house medical experts to help the guests in need.

However, as per the severity of the situation, it is better to avoid hotel right now. But in case you need to stay, you should check all these aspects to ensure that the hotel you choose will be a safe place for you during the pandemic. 

If possible then talk to the manager of the hotel personally before you check-in to know what kind of safety measures he is applying in his hotel to keep the guests as well as the staff safe and healthy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Enjoy A Safe Stay In Your Hotel During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Since the first case of Coronavirus has been confirmed in Derbyshire on 12th March, every hotel in Ashbourne has started taking necessary precautions to make your stay safe and hygienic. They know that the best hotel room is the one which guests find comfortable. The easiest way to prevent the coronavirus infection from spreading is by maintaining complete cleanliness in every hotel. Even guests should follow some good hygienic habits. The hygienic tips will keep you protected from numerous diseases, including COVID-19.

5 Tips To Make Your Stay In A Hotel In Ashbourne Derbyshire Hygienic

·      Ask The Housekeeper To Clean The Bathroom
If you think that the bathroom in your hotel is clean because you don’t use it often, it’s high time you debunk the myth. They become dirty very easily and a majority of the germs can only be seen under a microscope. Ask the housekeeper to clean the bathroom every day. Not only do they know how to deal with nasty bathrooms but can also share some bathroom etiquettes. They clean and disinfect the toilet seat area as it attracts germs easily. The toilet cleaners they use are not too harsh or harmful.

·      Wash Your Hands
Infections can spread rapidly if you don’t maintain proper hand hygiene. They pick up germs easily when they come in contact with an infected person or touch contaminated surfaces. Clean hands act as a barrier against the coronavirus infection. Whether you are staying in a hotel or house, wash your hands frequently using a suitable alcohol-based hand rubs or hand wash to decontaminate them. Wash them after using the restroom, sneezing/coughing or touching animals.

·      Avoid Using Drinking Glasses
There are a few people who drink water right away from the glass once they enter a room without washing it. It is a strict no-no, especially during the pandemic. Though, you don’t have to worry about the hygiene of the drinking glasses in your room if you have booked a luxurious hotel inAshbourne Derbyshire. They value the reputation earned by them over the years and their housekeeping staff clean and sanitise the glasses before their guests arrive.

·      Change Bedsheets Everyday
According to a survey conducted a few weeks back, coronavirus germs can persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. If you want to ensure your safety during your stay in a hotel, make sure you ask the housekeeping staff to change the bedsheets everyday.

·      Disinfect The TV Remote
Not everyone staying in a hotel is aware of the fact that TV remotes are one of the dirtiest items in a hotel room. Make sure you disinfect it every time you touch it, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Numerous guests have used it before you and there are higher chances for the germs in the remote to transfer in your hand. You can protect yourself from those germs by using suitable alcohol-based sanitizers to decontaminate it.

Time to follow the tips stated above and you can make your stay in a hotel hygienic during the coronavirus pandemic.